
2019年5月22日—AnewfeatureofKeynoteistheabilitytoexportasaGIF.Toconvertavideo,youcancreatesingle-slidepresentationsusingthevideoand ...,ExportaLivePhotoasananimatedGIFinPhotosonMac.YoucanuseaLivePhoto...ChooseFile>Export>ExportGIF.Choosealocationtoexportto,then ...,2022年3月27日—DoFile/ExporttoAnimatedGIFontothedesktop.(IntheKeynoteexportbox,settheauto-advanceslidertozero.)PlaytheGIFonyou...

Create an Animated GIF From Video On A Mac

2019年5月22日 — A new feature of Keynote is the ability to export as a GIF. To convert a video, you can create single-slide presentations using the video and ...

Export a Live Photo as an animated GIF in Photos on Mac

Export a Live Photo as an animated GIF in Photos on Mac. You can use a Live Photo ... Choose File > Export > Export GIF. Choose a location to export to, then ...

How to Create a GIF from Still Photos

2022年3月27日 — Do File/Export to Animated GIF onto the desktop. (In the Keynote export box, set the auto-advance slider to zero.) Play the GIF on your ...

How to create gifs out of videos on Mac?

2019年3月17日 — So I've made some vids using iMovie and would like to make gifs out of it ... Choose File/Save or File/Export to save as PNG or other formats but ...

how to make a gif using imovie [mac users]

2013年7月1日 — Once you've selected it, drag it to the top of iMovie (x). Here comes the most important part: Go to Share > Export using QuickTime and a window ...

How to Put a GIF Animation in iMovie on MaciPhoneiPad

2024年3月28日 — [Guide] 4 Easy Steps to Put Animated GIFs in iMovie on Mac/iPhone/iPad ... export a high-quality GIF animation, just adjust the slider of Quality.

Make animated GIF from a movie created in on ...

2019年12月24日 — Export Using File->Export to->Animated Gif. Here is the detailed instruction: ...

Make your own Animated GIF – DigiLearnFalk

2023年5月19日 — Make animated GIFs to show or celebrate learning with iMovie and Keynote. ... On the next screen tap on 'Export' and choose Animated GIF. In the ...